Priority #1: Assure Your Best Buyers…Save Your Present or Future Deal!
We have a client who is a luxury homebuilder in Vail who literally lost $120,000 (before finding us) because he couldn’t get the Radon levels down for the first buyer for his property and then couldn’t get another buyer to pay the first price. It is absolutely critical that you consider the value of that first buyer and don’t lose them and / or find yourself having to explain & apologize to future buyers why your prior deals have felled. The difference in price between a top of the line system and a quick fix is practically pennies compared to what is at stake.
Priority #2: Protect Yourself and Family from Future Liability Claims!
From a legal standpoint, it is likely that you have been given written notice that there is a health and safety issue with that home. This is sort of like selling a car that has faulty brakes and you have been given dated legal notification about this. If that car hurts someone prior to having those brakes fixed, even if the brakes didn’t necessarily cause the problem and even if you had credited the buyer cash to fix them, you could be legally accused of wrongdoing. There are some things that are worth taking shortcuts on and some things that are worth doing right – this is one that it is worth doing right. (And fortunately the cost is almost the same!)
You could do everything just right with regard to fixing this radon problem and still be called to explain your actions in a legal matter at some point in the future. You could be accused of taking shortcuts with people’s health and safety. Think it couldn’t happen? We live in a place and time where people try to assign blame when bad things happen. Pretty much anyone can sue anyone at any time for any reason. We have a client who is a Real Estate Broker who was sued because a buyer bumped his head while touring one of the Broker’s listings! Protect yourself on the Radon issued by doing it right and getting it all in writing!
This is why we invented the 10 Page Seller’s Liability Protection Certificate. It is extensive physical proof, in writing and signed by an NRPP Certified Mitigator & President of this company that you did what you’re supposed to do. It spells out the steps you took to:
(1) take this matter seriously
(2) provide a safe system to the buyer
(3) hire a trained and certified professional to explore your options with you and install your system.
Contrast this to what the other guys give you: one single sheet of paper that says that some person did something with regard to the Radon problem. Can you prove you didn’t do a cheapie quick-fix? Not with a single sheet of yellowed paper. Can you prove you took this seriously? Not with a crumpled receipt. Could you even prove a NRPP certified person actually visited your home? Probably not with what most Mitigators give you. (And the best part: we include it absolutely free of charge with all systems.)
Priority #3: Control Costs
The last thing you need is to over-pay for your Radon System. We give you the very best in Radon Systems for a price that is more than fair for a legitimate high-quality system.